St.Thomas’ Church is run entirely on voluntary donations; we have no government help at all. We very much appreciate any donations, however large or small.
Thank you.
One-off Donations
If you would like to help us by making a one-off donation via, please click on the link below. Please note that does not handle legacies on our behalf.
Alternatively leave a message at the church office and a member of our finance team will contact you. Personal details of those who donate to St.Thomas’ Church are confidential.Stewardship is a Christian organisation run on a not-for-profit basis. Their charges are (April 2021)
- For donations made without Gift Aid: 3%
- For donations made with Gift Aid: 3.5% on the total of the donation + Gift Aid

Regular Giving
The vast majority of our regular donors give through the Parish Giving Scheme.
If you would like to set up a regular donation to St.Thomas’ Church, please click on the “Support us with Parish Giving Scheme” button. This links to
Alternatively leave a message at the the church office and a member of our finance team will contact you. Personal details of those who donate to St.Thomas’ Church are confidential.
A set fee is paid to PGS by Winchester Diocese on behalf of all its parish churches. Therefore PGS does not make any further charges to us for handling donations.